
the environment. and pretty people.

as C pointed out, we're screwed: screwed!

we've totally done it to ourselves, and we KEEP ON DOING IT.

and it's not just us. we've ruined so much natural habitat that now animals are taking on our bad habits, drinking and killing themselves violently.

why can't we learn our stupid lesson? it makes me sad.

but this isn't a thoroughly depressing day. chew on this:

in the past week i've had dreams of falling into a lake while waterskiing and landing in george clooney's arms, and swimming away with him, and then also of being at a snowy lodge and having chris martin follow me around telling me of course he was in love with me, that's why he wrote that song. and don't i remember that time in the hottub?

i don't. but i wish i did. so instead, i provide eye candy for you.

my number one. i know, he's japonesa, my father will not be happy.

G's number one. pffft. i *guess* i get it.

C's former number one. but he's a scumbag ... on the search for new candy!

i don't know anybody else's number one. but this is fun. north koreans and al qaeda!