
why moving to brooklyn was the best idea ever reason #3

puttering with neighbors.

i guess i didn't quite realize how important neighbors were, until i finally had them. i mean, have them. i mean ... yeah.

for example: last weekend.

all i really did was putter. i love to putter. and somehow, puttering with neighbors makes puttering 12 billion times better.

friday night, for example, i was puttering around my apartment. K shows up. we putter some more. C and V come to pick us up, for a birthday party at lolita, but after a few drinks we realize puttering in williamsburg seems like a better alternative. V needs to get up early, so he and C drop K and me back off at Y and AB's, where poker was in full swing. we puttered. the most wonderful thing was that as soon as i got sleepy, all i had to do was walk a few blocks home, partially accompanied by MU and K. brilliant evening of putter.

saturday, there was primetime puttering at brunch with the girls at coco cafe, which has actual grass in the backyard and is just blocks from our cluster of apartments. grass! it's unbelievable. then we puttered, and shopped, and puttered some more. Y and i argued for a bit over whether napping or manicures should be next, but naps won, and i puttered my way home. a nap was not mine to be had, though ... because as i rounded the corner to my apartment, AM jumped out from behind a car and before i knew what was happening, had somehow weasled his way into my apartment for a nap. HIS nap. not MY nap. but what can i say, i have a hard time saying no to that twitchy little dude. and besides, these are the kinds of joys one has when all of one's friends live within a 10-block radius, and when there is a world cup on, and when said friends have been drinking since 7am and need a place to crash because walking those 10 blocks seems too exhausting to bear.


sunday, there was more primetime puttering at brunch with the girls at dumont, also just a few blocks from our cluster of apartments, which does not have actual grass but DOES have little tree seedlings that rained on us the whole afternoon. after brunch, there was some wandering ... and then some puttering. K and C landed back at my apartment, because Y was off being mysterious somewhere. after several hours lounging there, we then made the big big decision to walk two blocks to C's apartment. i learned that C can do a splendiferous cirque du soleil act, and if i had any idea how to get pictures off of my phone, i would show you. and then finally, finally, finally, i peeled myself off the couch to go home. and putter.

anyways. my point is, i'm in love with my neighborhood and my neighbors. everything feels safe and good, even when i'm having sympathy pains with C and wanting to either cry my eyes out or punch somebody's lights out, like last night. but i think maybe, maybe, too much empathy is much better than none? maybe it's a little impossible to be alone when there are so many loving people so close? K made the gorgeous point, in her blog, that she always thought she was living alone in new york without her family but it turns out she was living in brooklyn with her family all around her.

i like that.


Blogger chwanger said...

dood, FIRST FIRST and FIRST! i love you thank you i love you...and wow, i almost squeezed another tear out of my now dehydrated eyes, but this time it was out of happiness. puttering is perfection.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Amy S. Choi said...

but there's no CRYING in baseball! love you.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Amy S. Choi said...

hey christine! been around for a couple months now. glad you're reading :) i CAN'T WAIT to meet lil G! seriously. can't wait. and you are literally two blocks from my sis ... parallel living!

1:37 PM  

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